Saturday 6 December 2014



                      MySQL is the most popular open source SQL database management system is developed, distributed, and supported by MySQL AB. MySQL AB is a commercial company, founded by the MySQL developers.
                A database is a collection of data that is organized so that its contents can be easily accessed, managed and updated. MySQL is a data storage area. In this storage area, there are small sections called Tables.
                A Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) may be a DBMS in which data is stored in the form of tables and the relationship among the data is also stored in the form of tables.
        The data in MySQL is stored in database objects called tables. A table is a collection of related data entries and it consists of columns and rows. The MySQL database has become the world's most popular
open source database because of its consistent fast performance, high reliability and ease of use.

o   MySQL is Cross-Platform.
o   MySQL is fast and free.
o   Reliable and easy to use.
o   Multi-Threaded multi-user and robust SQL Database server.

o Missing Sub-selects.
o MySQL doesn't yet support the Oracle SQL extension.
o Does not support Stored Procedures and Triggers.
o MySQL doesn't support views, but this is on the TODO.
Account Management Statements:

                         The CREATE USER statement creates new MySQL accounts.

                    CREATE USER user [IDENTIFIED BY [PASSWORD] 'password']
           [, user [IDENTIFIED BY [PASSWORD] 'password']] ...


CREATE USER 'monty'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'some_pass';


                      The DROP USER statement removes one or more MySQL accounts and their privileges.

                      DROP USER user [, user] ....
                   The GRANT statement enables system administrators to grant privileges to MySQL user accounts.

                 priv_type [(column_list)]
                 [, priv_type [(column_list)]] ...
     ON [object_type] priv_level
      TO user [IDENTIFIED BY [PASSWORD] 'password']
      [, user [IDENTIFIED BY [PASSWORD] 'password']] ...
      [REQUIRE {NONE | ssl_option [[AND] ssl_option] ...}]
      [WITH with_option ...].

                  GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'monty'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;
                                  The RENAME USER statement renames existing MySQL accounts.

                   RENAME USER old user TO new user[, old user TO new user] ...

                 RENAME USER 'jeffrey'@'localhost' TO 'jeff'@'';

                   The REVOKE statement enables system administrators to revoke privileges from MySQL accounts.


priv_type [(column_list)]
[, priv_type [(column_list)]] ...
ON [object_type] priv_level
FROM user [, user] ...
FROM user [, user] ...

                  RENAME USER 'jeffrey'@'localhost' TO 'jeff'@'';

                        The SET PASSWORD statement assigns a password to an existing MySQL user.

PASSWORD('some password')
| OLD_PASSWORD('some password')
| 'encrypted password'

                    SET PASSWORD FOR 'bob'@'' = PASSWORD('newpass');
                              A sequence is a database object that generates numbers in sequential order. Applications most often use these numbers when they require a unique value in a table such as primary key values.

The  following list describes the characteristics of sequences.

o Sequences are available to all users of the database
o Sequences are created using SQL statements (see below)
o Sequences have a minimum and maximum value (the defaults are minimum=0 and             maximum=263-1); they can be dropped, but not reset
Once a sequence returns a value, the sequence can never return that same value
o While sequence values are not tied to any particular table, a sequence is usually used to               generate values for only one table
o Sequences increment by an amount specified when created (the default is 1).

Creating a Sequence:-
                                   To create sequences, execute a CREATE SEQUENCE statement in the same way as an UPDATE or INSERT statement. The sequence information is stored in a data dictionary file.
The format for a CREATE SEQUENCE statement is as follows:-

CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_name

Variable Description:--

INCREMENT BY:- The increment value. This can be a positive or negative number.
START WITH :-The start value for the sequence.
MAXVALUE:- The maximum value that the sequence can generate. If specifying
NOMAXVALUE”- the maximum value is 263-1.
MINVALUE:- The minimum value that the sequence can generate. If specifying
NOMINVALUE:- the minimum value is -263.
CYCLE:- Specify CYCLE to indicate that when the maximum value is reached the
                  sequence starts over again at the start value. Specify NOCYCLE to generate
                  an error upon reaching the maximum value.

Dropping a Sequence:

To drop a sequence, execute a DROP SEQUENCE statement. Use this function when a sequence is
no longer useful, or to reset a sequence to an older number. To reset a sequence, first drop the sequence and
then recreate it.
Drop a sequence following this format:
DROP SEQUENCE my sequence
Using a Sequence:

Use sequences when an application requires a unique identifier. INSERT statements, and
occasionally UPDATE statements, are the most common places to use sequences. Two "functions" are available on sequences:

NEXTVAL: Returns the next value from the sequence.
CURVAL: Returns the value from the last call to NEXTVAL by the current user during the current connection.

                    CREATE SEQUENCE customer_seq INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 100